San Bartolomeo

San Bartolomeo

S.Marco 5404

San Bartolomeo restroom (San Marco 4054) is close to the field of the same name, east of the Rialto bridge.

Regardless if you reach it walking from the railroad station or through public means of transport, going down at the Rialto stop, campo San Bartolomeo is the first compulsory stop in the most central area of Venice.

Monuments  and points of interest in the surrounding area

The sixteenth century bridge of Rialto and its view of Canal Grande, the churches of San Salvador, San Bartolomeo (XII century), of the Miracoli, corte del Milion with the house where Marco Polo was born, theatre Malibran, theatre Goldoni, Ca’ Loredan-Farsetti municipal seat, the famous mercerie(haberdasheries), important shopping centres.

Restroom technical equipment

  • Entry through turnstiles with coin insertion
  • 6 women’s toilets
  • 3 men’s toilets and 5 urinals
  • 1 restroom for disabled people
  • 1 nursery
  • electronic taps and hands dryers
  • vending machine
  • disinfection and sanitation with green products and ozone technology
  • constant presence of 1-2 operators to clean, control and provide coin exchange services

Opening hours:
every day: 9:30AM-8:30PM

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Disabled people